語法錯誤:到達了意外的文件結尾。你有一個未關閉的#if (Syntax error: Unexpected end of file reached. You have an unclosed #if)


語法錯誤:到達了意外的文件結尾。你有一個未關閉的#if (Syntax error: Unexpected end of file reached. You have an unclosed #if)

下面是使用的代碼。如果關聯字段不為空,則嘗試獲取僅顯示圖像。感謝您提供的任何幫助!消息指出錯誤位於第 42 行第 8 列。

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%;" width="100%">
  <!‑‑ START header ‑‑>
      <td valign="top">
        <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:720px;border‑top:1px solid #cccccc;border‑right:1px solid #cccccc;border‑left:1px solid #cccccc;" width="720">
              <td style="background:#ffffff;width:720px;height:auto; border‑bottom: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding‑top: 20px; padding‑bottom: 20px; padding‑left: 27px;" valign="top" width="720">
                <font color="#222222">
                  <a href="http://www.iqair.com?utm_source=Dealer‑Holiday‑Closure‑06282016&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=Dealer‑Holiday‑Closure‑06282016‑Email&amp;utm_content=Header"><img alt="IQAir" id="" name="" src="https://hosting.fyleio.com/40620/public/SanSerif_Desktop_01.jpg?c=1561752071758" style="border: 0px; display: block; width: 300px;" /></a>
                <p style="line‑height: 19px; margin‑top: 0px; padding‑top: 10px;"><span style="font‑size:14px;"><span style="font‑family:arial,helvetica,sans‑serif;"><span style="color:#666666;">Dear ${customer.firstName},&nbsp;</span></span>
                  </span><br />
                  <br />
                  <br />
                  <span style="font‑size:11.0pt"><span style="font‑family:Calibri">It&#39;s our pleasure to inform you that your preliminary personalized perfect16 evaluation is almost ready. However, in order to be as accurate as possible we need the following missing information:<br />
            <br />
            <#if (transaction.custbody117)?has_content></#if><img src=${transaction.custbody135}#elseif<#if (transaction.custbody122)?has_content>img src=${transaction.custbody139}<#if (transaction.custbody118)?has_content>img src=${transaction.custbody140}<#if (transaction.custbody119)?has_content>img src=${transaction.custbody141}<#if (transaction.custbody120)?has_content>img src=${transaction.custbody142}>
            <br />
            <br />
            <span style="font‑size:11.0pt"><span style="font‑family:Calibri">You may also contact our office for assistance with the missing information so we can continue the&nbsp;analysis of the project.&nbsp;</span></span><br />
                  <br />
                  <span style="font‑size:11.0pt"><span style="font‑family:Calibri">&nbsp;</span></span><br />
                  <span style="font‑size:11.0pt"><span style="font‑family:Calibri">Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.</span></span><br />
                  <br />
                  <br />
                  </span><br /> &nbsp;

                <p style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font‑family: Arial, Helvetica‑Neue, Helvetica, sans‑serif; font‑size: 8px; margin‑bottom: 10px;">
                  <font color="#222222" face="Arial, Verdana, sans‑serif"><span style="font‑size: 12px;"> src="https://hosting.fyleio.com/40620/public/SanSerif_Desktop_01.jpg?c=1561752071758" style="background‑color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px currentcolor; vertical‑align: middle; width: 64px; height: 16px;" />&nbsp;</span></font>
                    <font face="Arial, Verdana, sans‑serif"><span style="font‑size: 12px;"><span style="font‑size:10px;"><span style="font‑family:arial,helvetica,sans‑serif;">&nbsp;<span style="background‑color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">&copy;</span>&nbsp;2020&nbsp;IQAir North America, Inc. All
                      rights reserved.</span>
      <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
    <!‑‑ END content ‑‑>


方法 1:

Seems like you missed closing this tag: <span style="font‑size:11.0pt"/>

(by Hollyoak213Namandeep_Kaur)


  1. Syntax error: Unexpected end of file reached. You have an unclosed #if (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



SQL Server 2008 - 嘗試編輯日期 - 語法錯誤? (SQL Server 2008 - Trying to edit dates - Syntax Error?)

將 Jquery.min 升級到 Jquery.1.9 時出錯 (Error Upgrade Jquery.min into Jquery.1.9)

SyntaxError:無效語法(打印功能) (SyntaxError: invalid syntax (print function))

錯誤:“if”之前的預期表達式 (error: expected expression before ‘if’)

導致 C2061 的用戶創建的標頭:語法錯誤:標識符“類名” (User-Created Header Causing C2061: Syntax Error : Identifier 'classname')

If 語句行收到語法錯誤 (Syntax Error received on If statement line)

語法錯誤:到達了意外的文件結尾。你有一個未關閉的#if (Syntax error: Unexpected end of file reached. You have an unclosed #if)

已經放 } 但錯誤仍然說 } 是預期的? (Already put } but the error still says that } is expected?)

為什麼 Java 不允許在這裡使用三元運算符? (Why doesn't Java allow the use of a ternary operator here?)

我在繪製向量時遇到語法錯誤 (I'm encountering a syntax error while plotting vectors)

我想在 Kotlin 中自定義新按鈕時遇到問題 (I have a problem when I want to customize my new button in Kotlin)

為什麼帶註釋的變量不能是全局的? (Why can't an annotated variable be global?)
