create-react-app 命令卡在使用 cra-template 安裝 react react-dom react-scripts (create-react-app command stuck on installing react react-dom react-scripts with cra-template)


create‑react‑app 命令卡在使用 cra‑template 安裝 react react‑dom react‑scripts (create‑react‑app command stuck on installing react react‑dom react‑scripts with cra‑template)

我今天已經安裝了 node.js 並且成功啟動了 npm install ‑g create‑react‑app 命令。但在那之後,當我使用 npm create‑react‑app appname 命令時,它只是停留在步驟 ‑ 在此處輸入圖像描述

幾乎2小時沒有響應。我也嘗試過其他命令,例如 npm init,它們運行良好,但這需要很長時間而沒有響應。我正在使用 npm 版本 6.14.5 和節點版本 12.18.2 的 32 位 Windows 計算機。此外,網絡運行良好,所以我確定這不是問題。


方法 1:

I have faced the same issue, I have done 3 things,

  1. Just reset the firewall & security settings as default.
  2. Re‑install your node‑js & restart your PC.

  3. </ol>

    Now it is working fine.

    Images from Npm:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    方法 2:

    Just install a 32 bit version of node on windows and try again. This solved my issue

    方法 3:

    Use npx create‑react‑app my‑app instead to create an react App. See official docs:‑a‑new‑react‑app.html

    方法 4:

    Just reset the firewall & security settings as default. Re‑install your node‑js & restart your PC. Now it is working fine.

    (by Ankur GuptaTyloR_VIPNilabh WaingankarRakesh KumarAbdallah Mohammad)


    1. create‑react‑app command stuck on installing react react‑dom react‑scripts with cra‑template (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#installation #react-native #reactjs #node.js


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