你經歷過的最糟糕的項目失敗是什麼? (What is the worst project failure you've ever been on?)


你經歷過的最糟糕的項目失敗是什麼? (What is the worst project failure you've ever been on?)




方法 1:

My latest project failed because all the developers spent their time asking and answering questions on Stack Overflow, trying to build up Karma points :‑).

方法 2:

Read 'Death March'. That pretty much sums up pathologies etc.

方法 3:

A project that had no end. No one knew when it was finished. All we knew was that we had to keep doing whatever that we were doing. And yes sadly it was just as vague as I explained it.

Did it fail. In my opinion it did since we never saw what happened to it at the end, we were moved on to another project, and you can say it faded into the night.

Why? Everything opposite of the 7 project management body of knowledge.

(by DustmanpaxdiabloSCdFradioactive21)


  1. What is the worst project failure you've ever been on? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



項目規劃,開發人員筆記工具 (Project planning, Note taking tool for developers)

你經歷過的最糟糕的項目失敗是什麼? (What is the worst project failure you've ever been on?)

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