刺激基質上的液體流動 (Stimulating Liquid Flow on Matrix)


刺激基質上的液體流動 (Stimulating Liquid Flow on Matrix)


import numpy as np

mtr= np.array ([[0, 2, 9], 
                [4, 9, 8], 
                [6, 8, 1]])


def min_adj_val(a, b): 
        if (a < b): 
            return a 
            return b 

def min_mtr(mtr, m, n):

        if (m == 2 or n == 2):
            return mtr[m][n]
            return mtr[m][n] + min_adj_val(min_mtr(mtr, m+1, n),min_mtr(mtr, m, n+1))

print(min_mtr(mtr,0, 0)) 



我希望它是 11,按照路徑 0‑2‑9。但它選擇了成本最低的路徑,即 0‑4‑6。我是初學者,剛學會編碼大約 4 個月。請幫幫我。


方法 1:

Each call to min_mtr will return the shortest length path from (0, 0) to (m, n). When you call min_adj_val, your arguments are recursive calls to min_mtr which means that all your function will do is keep the shortest path length it's seen so far and add it to the current index.

A better solution would be to write a greedy function that chooses the min adjacent index and add its value to a running total, moving along until you hit a boundary.

(by VaneswaranKuzminK13)


  1. Stimulating Liquid Flow on Matrix (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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刺激基質上的液體流動 (Stimulating Liquid Flow on Matrix)
