打開 ComboBox DropDown 時不要選擇文本輸入 (Do not select text input when ComboBox DropDown is opened)


打開 ComboBox DropDown 時不要選擇文本輸入 (Do not select text input when ComboBox DropDown is opened)

我的 WPF 應用程序中有一個 ComboBox,我想在其中輸入文本,用於更新 ComboBox 的內容(項目)。

每當我輸入一個字符時,我都想要更新了要顯示的項目。所以我設置了 IsDropDownOpen = true;,但這會導致輸入的 Text 被選中。

結果是:我輸入 1 個字符,ComboBox DropDown 被打開(並且顯示新項目),字符被選中。我鍵入第二個字符並替換第一個字符,因為它已被選中(duh)!

如何取消選擇組合框中的所有文本?我顯然想輸入超過 1 個字符,而不必再次單擊 ComboBox 以取消選擇所有文本...


<ComboBox x:Name="comboBoxItemID" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="38"
 VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="300" Canvas.Left="197" FontSize="21.333"
 IsEnabled="True" KeyUp="comboBoxItemID_KeyUp" IsEditable="True"/>

List<InventorySearchResult> Items = Invent.SearchArticle(this.comboBoxItemID.Text); //Get new Data
comboBoxItemID.ItemsSource = Items;         //Update comboBox Data
comboBoxItemID.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
comboBoxItemID.IsDropDownOpen = true;


方法 1:

To deselect all Text from a ComboBox, first get the TextBox Element:

TextBox tb = (TextBox)comboBoxItemID.Template.FindName("PART_EditableTextBox", comboBoxItemID);

(source: How to get ComboBox.SelectedText in WPF )

Then use the TextBox method Select(int start, int length) to set the selection, e.g.

tb.Select(tb.Text.Length, 0);

(source: Deselect text in a textbox )

Finally, disable the IsTextSearchEnabled property. I haven't done much testing to find out why exactly this has to be disabled, but I guess in my case it conflicts with the way I update the Items and then deselect the Text.

(by NoMadNoMad)


  1. Do not select text input when ComboBox DropDown is opened (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Combobox #wpf #C#


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