將集合項複製到 .NET 中的另一個集合 (Copy collection items to another collection in .NET)


將集合項複製到 .NET 中的另一個集合 (Copy collection items to another collection in .NET)

在 .NET (VB) 中,如何獲取一個集合中的所有項目,並將它們添加到第二個集合中(而不會丟失第二個集合中預先存在的項目)?我正在尋找比這更高效的東西:

For Each item As Host In hostCollection1

我的集合是通用集合,繼承自基類 ‑‑ Collection(Of )


方法 1:

You can use AddRange: hostCollection2.AddRange(hostCollection1).

方法 2:

I know you're asking for VB, but in C# you can just use the constructor of the collection to initialize it with any IEnumerable. For example:

List<string> list1 = new List<string>();
List<string> list2 = new List<string>(list1);

Perhaps the same kind of thing exists in VB.

方法 3:

Don't forget that you will be getting a reference and not a copy if you initialize your List2 to List1. You will still have one set of strings unless you do a deep clone.

方法 4:

I always use the List<T>.AddRange(otherList<T>) function. Again, if this is a list of objects, they will be references the same thing.

You have not specified what sort of collection though, AddRange doesn't exist in CollectionBase inherited objects

方法 5:

This is available when one use an IList. But AddRange method is not available in Collection. I thought of casting Collection to List, but it is not possible.

(by Matt HansonjopBen HoffsteinDavid RobbinsjohncKangkan)


  1. Copy collection items to another collection in .NET (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#collections #vb.net #.net


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