Drone CI/CD 只停留在 exec 管道中 (Drone CI/CD only stuck in exec pipeline)


Drone CI/CD 只停留在 exec 管道中 (Drone CI/CD only stuck in exec pipeline)

當我使用 docker 管道時,它會成功構建。但是當我使用 exec 管道時,它總是卡在待處理狀態。而且我不知道出了什麼問題。

kind: pipeline
type: exec
name: deployment

  os: linux
  arch: amd64

‑ name: backend image build
    ‑ echo start build images...
    # ‑ export MAJOR_VERSION=1.0.rtm.
    # ‑ export WORKSPACE=`pwd`
    # ‑ bash ./jenkins_build.sh
      ‑ master

Docker Pipe Line 很好。

kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: deployment

‑ name: push image to repo
  image: plugins/docker
    dockerfile: src/ZR.DataHunter.Api/Dockerfile
    tags: latest
    insecure: true
    registry: "xxx"
    repo: "xxx"
      from_secret: username
      from_secret: userpassword


方法 1:

First of all it's important to note that the exec pipeline can be used only when Drone is self‑hosted. It is written in the official docs:

Please note exec pipelines are disabled on Drone Cloud. This feature is only available when self‑hosting

When Drone is self‑hosted be sure, that:

  1. The exec runner is installed
  2. It is configured properly in its config file (to be able to connect to the Drone server)
  3. And the drone‑runner‑exec service is running

After the service is started, look for its log file and you have to see an info message saying it was able to connect to your Drone server:

level=info msg="successfully pinged the remote server"
level=info msg="polling the remote server"

It's also possible to view the web UI (Dashboard) of the running service if you enable it.

So if you see it can poll your server, then your exec pipeline should run as expected.

(by Fush1szegheo)


  1. Drone CI/CD only stuck in exec pipeline (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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