在使用源代碼管理時,我如何才能對源代碼的不同部分的用戶組擁有不同的權限? (While using source control, how can I have different permissions for groups of users for different parts of the source code?)


在使用源代碼管理時,我如何才能對源代碼的不同部分的用戶組擁有不同的權限? (While using source control, how can I have different permissions for groups of users for different parts of the source code?)


我們曾經有一個包含整個 (Visual Studio) 解決方案和所有解決方案的大型存儲庫。項目。但是這次我們需要能夠管理源代碼不同部分(每個項目)的權限。這對於保護知識產權的某些部分很重要。


  • 我們開發代碼(主要是Visual Studio (VS) 中的 C# 和 C++)。我們將 Azure‑DevOpsgit 存儲庫結合使用。
  • 我有一個 (VS) 解決方案,其中包含許多 (20+) 個項目(project1、project2、...)。
  • 這些項目中的大多數並不是真正獨立運行的(或者它不是這樣做是有意義的)。
  • 您可以考慮這些項目,例如庫、(可選)模塊/插件。
  • 每個項目都需要不同的特定領域知識來開發。
  • 對於某些測試,我們需要在一個大型解決方案中提供所有代碼,以便我們可以調試和設置斷點,例如



  • 我為每個項目創建了一個單獨的存儲庫。那麼我確實可以很好地管理每個用戶的權限。
  • 我為解決方案創建了一個存儲庫,我們將此存儲庫稱為 CombinedRepo
  • 將項目作為 git‑submodules 添加到 CombinedRepo.

這個設置在拉 CombinedRepo 時有效。使用 VS 的子模塊。我可以測試、調試和進行更改等。


  • 當我們工作時在 CombinedRepo 中並更改了其中一個子模塊的代碼,並希望提交這些更改,我們收到此錯誤:fatal: unexpected sequence in commit output.(這是使用時VS 提交)。
  • 反過來也行不通:


    方法 1:

    Visual Studio sees changes made in submodule folders, but fails to commit them.

    To workaround it, go to Team Explorer ‑ Manage Connections ‑ Local Git Repositories ‑ Add, browse to submodule folder and confirm with Add. Double click on the local repository created to open it.

    Now You can commit changes and push them to the remote origin like You would do just in original submodule repository.

    Than open again Your local repository containing the submodule folder, go to changes and commit them to include changed submodule state in main module.

    Here are some feature request links, you could follow them to get the latest news.

    In addition, If you only want to restrict users or team members from submitting code, we could set branch policy and disable the branch permission Bypass policies when pushing. Then all users need to create pull request to push the commit, and you could check the commit and approve the Pull Request.


    I want to be able to have different permissions for groups of users for different parts of the source code.

    Thanks for Stefan sharing.

    If we are using TFVC repo, we could configure the folder/file permission for groups of users. Check the pic below.

    enter image description here

    方法 2:

    When you have made a change in a submodule, you must switch to that submodule in order to successfully commit the change.

    (This information is taken from https://jonasr.app/2020/04/vs‑git‑subm/)

    (by StefanVito LiuAndrew McClement)


    1. While using source control, how can I have different permissions for groups of users for different parts of the source code? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#azure-devops #visual-studio #Git #git-submodules


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