連續貝塞爾動畫,不繼承變化時的緩動功能 (Continuous bezier animation without inheriting easing-function on change)


連續貝塞爾動畫,不繼承變化時的緩動功能 (Continuous bezier animation without inheriting easing‑function on change)

我有這個動畫,它目前只是在開始時很快,但是當它達到 85% ‑ 95% 時,三次貝塞爾曲線應該持續緩慢,而不是再次從點 0 開始並創建另一個快速啟動動作. 有沒有辦法為每個動畫狀態變化添加多個三次貝塞爾曲線,或者讓緩動函數在狀態之間連續?

.animate‑winner {
  animation: rollWinnerBait 9s cubic‑bezier(0,.9,.76,.99) forwards normal 1

@keyframes rollWinnerBait { 
  0% {
    transform: translateX(4988px)

  85% {
    transform: translateX(‑80px)

  95% {
    transform: translateX(11px)

  98% {
    transform: translateX(‑9px)

  100% {
    transform: translateX(0px)


方法 1:

Update the timing function inside the animation:

.animate‑winner {
  animation: rollWinnerBait 5s cubic‑bezier(0, .9, .76, .99) forwards;
.animate‑winner.new {
  animation: rollWinnerBait‑new 5s cubic‑bezier(0, .9, .76, .99) forwards;

@keyframes rollWinnerBait {
  0% {
    transform: translateX(4988px)
  85% {
    transform: translateX(‑80px);
  95% {
    transform: translateX(11px)
  98% {
    transform: translateX(‑9px)
  100% {
    transform: translateX(0px);

@keyframes rollWinnerBait‑new {
  0% {
    transform: translateX(4988px)
  85% {
    transform: translateX(‑80px);
  95% {
    transform: translateX(11px)
  98% {
    transform: translateX(‑9px)
  100% {
    transform: translateX(0px);
<div class="animate‑winner"></div>

<div class="animate‑winner new"></div>

(by ShimshoTemani Afif)


  1. Continuous bezier animation without inheriting easing‑function on change (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#animation #css #cubic-bezier #css-animations


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連續貝塞爾動畫,不繼承變化時的緩動功能 (Continuous bezier animation without inheriting easing-function on change)
