Appium 中用於混合應用程序的多個屏幕截圖 (Multiple Screenshots in Appium for Hybrid Apps)


Appium 中用於混合應用程序的多個屏幕截圖 (Multiple Screenshots in Appium for Hybrid Apps)

我一直在 Appium 中使用屏幕截圖[public void getScreenshot(){...}] 測試失敗並啟動。我想為我的套件中的每個 findElement() 調用相同的方法。我嘗試這樣做:


public class CustomDriver extends AppiumDriver{
        public WebElement scrollToExact(String element) {   
            WebElement x = null;
            return x;

        public WebElement scrollTo(String element){
            WebElement y = null;
            return y;

        public List<WebElement> findElements(By by) {
            try {
            catch (IOException iox){
            return by.findElements(this);

        public WebElement findElement(By by) {
            try {
            catch(IOException iox){
            return by.findElement(this);


Q1。雖然這對我來說很好,但是當我將上下文切換到 Webview 時,我的驅動程序不會響應在該上下文中查找元素。我在這裡跟進有什麼問題嗎?[如果需要,會提供詳細信息,自己不確定。]

Q2. 在我的套件中為每個 findElement() 調用獲取屏幕截圖,我缺少什麼更簡單的方法嗎?


方法 1:

In my experience screenshots work only in the NATIVE_APP context, so if you are in a WebView context you've got to switch to the native context and then switch back, something like:

    public List<WebElement> findElements(By by) {
        String originalContext = getContext();
        if ("NATIVE_APP".equals(originalContext)) {
            originalContext = null; // no need to switch
        } else {
        try {
            getScreenshot(); // Before screenshot
            return super.findElements(by);
        } finally {                
            if (originalContext!=null) {

(by NamanPavel Vlasov)


  1. Multiple Screenshots in Appium for Hybrid Apps (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#screenshot #appium #java #overriding


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