一個進程的 GDI 洩漏會影響其他進程嗎? (Can GDI leaks from one process affect other processes?)


一個進程的 GDI 洩漏會影響其他進程嗎? (Can GDI leaks from one process affect other processes?)

我們遇到 GDI 資源洩漏,不時會導致“Win32Exception 沒有足夠的存儲空間來處理此命令”(相關問題)。

我們的應用程序由 Word Addin 和 C# 應用程序組成。Word 插件中的洩漏是否可以從 C# 應用程序中刪除資源?在一些不相關的插件問題之後,我們已經看到應用程序崩潰。

換句話說,GDI 資源是按進程獨占分配還是以某種方式共享?


方法 1:

The exact number can depend on the version of windows but is generally a theoretical limit of 65,536 per session. In reality this is lower (e.g. 16,384 in Windows 2000).

There is also a per process limit of about 10,000 handles though this can be globally changed via the registry setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\GDIProcessHandleQuota. Though this setting shouldn't be changed by an application since its a global setting for the computer.

MSDN ‑ GDI Objects

Old New Thing ‑ Why is the limit of window handles per process 10,000?

(by Ignacio Soler GarciaChris Chilvers)


  1. Can GDI leaks from one process affect other processes? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#gdi #resource-leak #.net #gdi+ #C#


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