如何在循環和 if 語句中使用遞歸公式 (How to use recursive formula in loop and if statement)


如何在循環和 if 語句中使用遞歸公式 (How to use recursive formula in loop and if statement)


a = lower triangular matrix/dataframe 20x20 
b = a 1x20 matrix/vector 
c = the previous row result of the formula (recursive bit)



Matrix C
1 | 2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |
1|i=j=1 |i<j=0 |...|...|...|...|
2|i>j=a(2,1)b(1)c(1,1)/b(2)‑b(1) |i=j=1 |...|...|...|...|
3|i>j= (a(3,1)b(1)c(1,1) + a(3,2)b(2)c(2,1))/(b(3)‑b(1) |i>j= a(3,2)b(2)c(2,2)/(b(3)‑b(2) |...|...|...|...|
4|i>j = a(4,1)b(1)c(1,1)+a(4,2)b(2)c(2,1)+a(4,3)b(3)c(3,1))/b(4)‑b(1) |i>j= a(4,2)b(2)c(2,2) + a(4,3)b(3)c(3,2)/b(4)‑b(2) |...|...|...|...|
5|... |... |...|...|...|...|
6|... |... |...|...|...|...|


計算公式結果,我認為由於 R 的矢量化而有效

my_int &lt;‑ 20

nr &lt;‑ as.integer(my_int)

#create a n x n matrix with zeroes 

a &lt;‑ matrix(0, nr, nr)

# For each row and for each column, assign values based on position

# These values are the product of two indexes

for(i in 1:dim(a)[1]) {
  for(j in 1:dim(a)[2]) {
    a[i,j] = if(i&lt;j) {
    }else if(i==j) {
    }else {

# make into dataframe

mymat &lt;‑ data.frame(mymat)

# create b variable

z &lt;‑ rep(1:20)

# made it into lower diagonal matrix to make it easier to work with

b &lt;‑ matrix(0, length(z), length(z))
b[lower.tri(b, diag = TRUE)] &lt;‑ z[sequence(length(z):1)]

# create matrix for formula to operate with 

# create variable &quot;c&quot;

c &lt;‑ matrix(0, nr, nr)

# For each row and for each column, assign values based on position
# These values are the product of two indexes
for(i in 1:dim(c)[1]) {
  for(j in 1:dim(c)[2]) {
    mymat2[i,j] = if(i&lt;j) {
    }else if(i==j) {
    }else {
      5 # place holder for now


然後我的問題是如何將其插入到 if 語句中以創建遞歸定義的矩陣,如下所示

sum(ablag(c), na.rm = TRUE)/(b[,j]‑b[I,])



mymat2[i, j] <‑ if (i

如果有幫助,我可以鏈接一個 Excel 電子表格,該公式適用於該電子表格。它只能通過大量手動輸入等在 excel 中實現。


# calculate recursively defined lower triangular matrix

c &lt;‑ matrix(0, nr, nr)

# For each row and for each column, assign values based on position
# These values are the product of two indexes
for(i in 1:dim(c)[1]) {
  for(j in 1:dim(c)[2]) {
    mymat2[i,j] = if(i&lt;j) {
    }else if(i==j) {
    }else {
      sum(a*b*lag(c), na.rm = TRUE)/(b[,j]‑b[I,]) # formula for calculation of values for lower triangular matrix


我如何計算“c”的示例 在 excel 中

a = 5x5 lower triangle matrix

0|0 |0 |0 |0
5|0 |0 |0 |0
5|0.56|0 |0 |0
5|0.20|0.61|0 |0

b = 1x5 matrix/vector


c = recursive matrix results

1 |0 |0 |0 |0
6.36|1 |0 |0 |0
5.77|0.84|1 |0 |0
5.50|0.77|1.43|1 |0
5.3 |0.72|1.80|2.46|1


上面的代碼顯示瞭如何在 excel 中通過索引和手動設置大量單元格位置來計算它。


方法 1:

Here's a possibly dynamic programming(?) solution. I've only verified a few 'cells' so you'll need to verify that it's giving results you expected.

vpad <‑ function(vec) { 
    extend <‑ 20 ‑ length(vec)
    c(vec, rep(0, extend))

clip <‑ function(x) { x[x >= 0 & x <= 20] }

pad_a <‑ function(a, iter) {
    mat <‑ cbind(a[, iter:20], matrix(0, 20, iter‑1))
    mat * lower.tri(mat)

pad_b <‑ function(b, iter) {
    tmp <‑ vpad(b[iter:20])
    mat <‑ matrix(rep(tmp, each=20), 20, 20)
    mat * lower.tri(mat)

pad_c <‑ function(c, iter) {
    L <‑ 21 ‑ iter
    i <‑ clip(seq(L) + iter ‑ 1)
    j <‑ seq(i)
    v <‑ vpad(mapply(function(i, j) c[i, j], i, j))
    mat <‑ matrix(rep(v, each=20), 20, 20)
    mat <‑ mat * (lower.tri(mat) + diag(20))

    end <‑ 21 ‑ iter
    mat1 <‑ rbind(matrix(0, iter ‑ 1, 20), mat[1:end, ])
    mat1 * lower.tri(mat1)

m <‑ matrix(sample(400)/400, 20, 20)
a <‑ m * lower.tri(m)
b <‑ sample(20)/21

add_prev <‑ matrix(rep(0, 200), 20, 20)
init_mat <‑ lower.tri(m) + diag(20)
overwrite_mat <‑ init_mat

for (i in 1:20) {
    overwrite_mat <‑ (pad_a(a, i) * pad_b(b, i) * pad_c(overwrite_mat, i)) + add_prev
    add_prev <‑ overwrite_mat

denom1 <‑ matrix(rep(b, times=20), 20, 20)
denom1 <‑ denom1 * lower.tri(denom1) + diag(20)
denom2 <‑ matrix(rep(b, each=20), 20, 20)
denom2 <‑ denom2 * lower.tri(denom2) + diag(20)

final <‑ ((overwrite_mat / denom1) ‑ denom2) + diag(20)
final <‑ replace(final, is.nan(final), 0)

Output (just showing upper left (5,5) matrix)

 [,1]         [,2]        [,3]        [,4]        [,5]       
 [1,]   0.0000000   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000   
 [2,]  ‑0.5129073   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000   
 [3,]   0.6738060  ‑0.05926190  0.00000000  0.00000000   
 [4,]   9.2856557   5.97660268 ‑0.15059524  0.00000000   
 [5,]   0.1971807   0.01591345 ‑0.14775033 ‑0.08718254   

(by BiggerthanpennyCPak)


  1. How to use recursive formula in loop and if statement (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#matrix #R #recursion #formula #recursive-datastructures


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