Azure DevOps Powershell 獲取與構建管道相關的工作項 (Azure DevOps Powershell get work item related to build pipeline)


Azure DevOps Powershell 獲取與構建管道相關的工作項 (Azure DevOps Powershell get work item related to build pipeline)


我嘗試通過 API 運行查詢以檢索與構建關聯的工作項,但它總是返回空白的。我可以檢索項目中的工作項列表沒有問題。

我使用的URI是:{instance}/{project}/_apis/build/builds/{ build id}/workitems?api‑version=6.0

這會返回一個空白值。如果我刪除“工作項”;然後我得到所有構建的列表,其中一個條目與構建 ID 匹配。我正在使用的 PAT 可以完全訪問該項目(目前正在測試,因此尚未具體訪問)。








方法 1:

Build pipeline adds related work items by reading the work items associated with the checkout commit.

I have now noticed that in the pipeline log there is no related work item even though I create the branch from within the work item.

When you create the new branch in work item, you need to change the build branch in Build Pipeline.

enter image description here

Then the build will use the newly created branch to build pipeline, the work items will relate to the Build.

When you run the Rest API: Builds ‑ Get Build Work Items Refs, it will show the related work item.


enter image description here

(by ShaneKevin Lu‑MSFT)


  1. Azure DevOps Powershell get work item related to build pipeline (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#powershell #azure-devops #azure-devops-pipelines #workitem #azure-pipelines


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