在 Discord.js 中查找所有具有角色的成員 (Finding all members with a role in Discord.js)


在 Discord.js 中查找所有具有角色的成員 (Finding all members with a role in Discord.js)

我已經嘗試過使用每個人所說的內容,但它總是給我空數組或未定義的數組。我相信我正在使用 discord.js v12。我真的很確定我確實有這個角色的成員,並且 roleID 是正確的。為什麼這是錯誤的?將 new_channel 與頻道進行比較。我想 find 函數中的 ${} 不是必需的,但這不是問題。直到 roles.cache.get(importantRole.id) 部分都正常,但我似乎無法從中獲取成員。

let importantRole = await new_channel.guild.roles.cache.find(r => r.name === `${new_channel.name}`)
console.log(importantRole.id) // ‑‑> gives the right role ID
let membersWithRole = await new_channel.guild.roles.cache.get(importantRole.id).members.map(m=>m.user.id);
console.log(membersWithRole) // ‑‑> gives []


方法 1:

Most likely the members with that role are not cached. You need to:

  1. Enable the GUILD_MEMBERS privileged intent on the Discord developer panel if you have not already (if your bot is less than 100 guilds this is a simple toggle; if your bot has >100 guilds and is verified you need to apply for these, it's to protect user privacy), and
  2. Enable the GUILD_MEMBERS privileged intent in your Discord.js Client's options (the object that is passed to new Client({...}) by passing { ws: { intents: [ 'GUILD_MEMBERS' ] } }
  3. Fetch all of the guild's members when this command/module/etc runs (only do this when strictly necessary, and not on an interval, as it causes an extra API call)

  4. </ol>

    Also, there's no need to do `${variable}` as variable does the same thing. The ` and ${...} syntax are only needed when merging variables with strings `like${this}` (= 'like' + this)

    To fetch all guild members, you can do:

    <Guild>.members.fetch() // => Promise<GuildMemberManager>

    Note that for some reason, in my testing, the value of the resolved promise doesn't work as a valid GuildMemberManager, so you should do:

    //                            _ = temporary var
    <Guild>.members.fetch().then((_) => {
        // do something with <Guild>.members.cache

    (by mikemaster980xLogN)


    1. Finding all members with a role in Discord.js (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#discord #node.js #discord.js


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