XNA/XAML 鼠標懸停時動畫邊框顏色 (XNA/XAML Animate border color on mouseover)


XNA/XAML 鼠標懸停時動畫邊框顏色 (XNA/XAML Animate border color on mouseover)

I am making an image gallery in XNA and XAML. I need to have images with borders and on mouseover I want to change the border color. I tried different things which didn't work. When the IMAGE is mouseOvered the animation to change the border color should be triggered. Here is my code:

 <Border Name="myBorder"
                    <Trigger Property="Image.IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Border.BorderBrush" Value="Yellow"/>
            <Image Name="myImage1" 
                   Stretch="Fill" />

I also used EventTrigger and Storyboard with mo success. Is there someone who knows how to do this?


方法 1:

Ok, I solved the problem thanks to this post

I should have removed the BorderBrush from the border definition. Now this works:

        <Border Name="myBorder"
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type Border}">
                    <Trigger Property="Image.IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Border.BorderBrush" Value="Yellow"/>
                    <Trigger Property="Image.IsMouseOver" Value="False">
                        <Setter Property="Border.BorderBrush" Value="White"/>
        <Image Name="myImage1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Stretch="Fill" />

(by mahsa.teimourikiamahsa.teimourikia)


  1. XNA/XAML Animate border color on mouseover (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

#animation #mouseover #storyboard #xna #xaml


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