如何:(jQuery) 帶有 ASP.NET MVC 2 的模態登錄對話框? (How to: (jQuery) Modal login dialog w/ ASP.NET MVC 2?)


如何:(jQuery) 帶有 ASP.NET MVC 2 的模態登錄對話框? (How to: (jQuery) Modal login dialog w/ ASP.NET MVC 2?)

在 ASP.NET MVC 2 中覆蓋內置登錄機制的最佳方法是什麼,以便在用戶需要登錄時彈出模式對話框(或 [Authorize] 標記裝飾控制器操作)?

< p>我已經搜索了一段時間,但沒有什麼真正做到這一點


jQuery 不是先決條件,但我熟悉它


方法 1:

It's quite possible and not too hard.


This is from another post that I can't seem to find any more:

Yes, it's possible. Just submit the login‑form using the method described here by mike bosch and return a json datastructure with the returnUrl if any.

I have created a lightweight LoginResultDTO class that i return as json:

public class LoginResultDTO 
  public bool Success {get;set;} 
  public string Message {get;set;} 
  public string ReturnUrl {get;set;} 

Here's a script block from my LogOn view:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        $(document).ready(function() { 
            var form = $($("form")[0]); 
            form.submit(function() { 
                var data = form.serialize(); 
                $.post(form.attr("action"), data, function(result, status) { 
                    if (result.Success && result.ReturnUrl) { 
                            location.href = result.ReturnUrl; 
                    } else { 
                }, "json"); 
                return false; 

This will ajax wrap the logon form. Note that this is the simplest implementation of the javascript code possible but it's a place to start.

Then I have modified my LogOn action in the AccountController and in the relevant places put something like this:

  return Json(new LoginResultDTO{Success=true,Message="Successfully logged in"}); 
  return View(); 

So this is an ultralight but rather complete version of how jquery authentication could be done in asp.net mvc.

方法 2:

You can expose a web service in your project that will validate if the user is logged in. On $(document).ready() do an $.ajax() call to the web service. Based on the result you can display the modal popup using the $.dialog() function in the UI library for JQuery.

(by JerroldrboarmanAchilles)


  1. How to: (jQuery) Modal login dialog w/ ASP.NET MVC 2? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#asp.net-mvc-2 #modal-dialog #authorization #jquery


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