Monotouch ‑ MoviePlayer 永遠不會超越“正在加載...” (Monotouch ‑ MoviePlayer never gets beyond "loading...")
I downloaded the MonoTouch example 'PlayMovieRecipe' and it runs perfectly.
I then created a small app (using Storyboard) with a 'MoviePlayer' page. I copied the example code from the sample application but when I run it, it appears to start the movieplayer but never gets beyond 'Loading...'. The sample file (sample.m4v) is in the root of the app. This is the code I used:
namespace test { public partial class DetailViewController : UIViewController { MPMoviePlayerController moviePlayer; public DetailViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle) { }
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
this.btnPlayMovie.TouchUpInside += delegate {
moviePlayer = new MPMoviePlayerController (NSUrl.FromFilename ("sample.m4v"));
View.AddSubview (moviePlayer.View);
moviePlayer.SetFullscreen (true, true);
moviePlayer.Play ();
} ;
方法 1:
Try explicitly setting the filetype (moviePlayer.SourceType = MPMovieSourceType.File;) right before you add the subview. I also use a frame for the player which gives a little more control on display height, width etc. since the video can be pinched/zoomed to full screen. Also, make sure your video is set to "content" in it's settings (right‑click Build Action). Cheers!
(by user1658259、GeeMan)