如何從谷歌應用引擎調用我的應用網址 (How to call my app url from google app engine)


如何從谷歌應用引擎調用我的應用網址 (How to call my app url from google app engine)

我使用 java GWT 開發了我的應用程序,並將我的應用程序部署在 google 應用引擎上。我的訪問 url 是 sample.myappid.appspot.com 我想通過代碼調用這個 url,所以我這樣做了:‑

  URL url;
            try {
                url = new URL("http://sample.myappid.appspot.com");

            HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

            if (connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
                // OK
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"Done okkkkkk");
            } else {
                // Server returned HTTP error code.

            } catch (Exception e1) {
                // TODO Auto‑generated catch block

這不是調用我的 url。所以任何其他解決方案我如何使用代碼調用我的 url。



方法 1:

You need to pay attention if/when making requests to your app right from inside your apps' request handlers as you can cause infinite recursive loops, making GAE attempt to spawn a new app instance in an attempt to serve each such request. Possibly related to your other question: while user inactivity of 2mins getting info "This request caused a new process to be started for your application".

There are several methods to access your app programatically from itself, internally, basically making requests to paths in your app's serving namespace (like /index.html, for example):

Requests initiated by these internal methods are internally generated, independent of external requests, and can be safely used to implement your app's logic (loops are still possible if misused, but only creating a great deal of activity, they're not infinite recusions/deadlocking in the sense of forcing GAE to spawn a new instance for every request).

You can also use generic URL access from your app (applicable to any URL, not only those of your app), just as an external user would access your app. These can be useful for automated testing of your app, but note that they can be more costly than the internal access methods, I wouldn't recommend them for actually implementing your app's logic:

These external access methods are also subject to infinite recursion problem, so use them with care.

(by Vijay ChouguleDan Cornilescu)


  1. How to call my app url from google app engine (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#java #gwt #google-app-engine


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