Google Analytics:數據導入和每日上傳的區別 (Google Analytics: Difference between Data Import & Daily upload)


Google Analytics:數據導入和每日上傳的區別 (Google Analytics: Difference between Data Import & Daily upload)

我找不到有關 Google Analytics(分析)成本數據上傳工作原理的問題的答案。我有幾個問題:

  1. 為什麼有兩種不同的上傳方式?為什麼不只提供一個維度範圍的上傳選項?

  2. 假設我使用 每日上傳 方法,然後我使用 數據導入。數據導入是否會覆蓋每日數據,這些數據會被合併甚至刪除嗎?在這種情況下會發生什麼?下次每日上傳會覆蓋數據導入的數據嗎?

  3. 如果刪除上傳的數據,GA報告中的費用是否會重置為零?

  4. < li>

    每個媒體資源的終身數據存儲限制 也適用於每日上傳還是只適用於數據導入?



方法 1:

  1. Dimension widening is for the generalized case whereas Cost Data is for a specific upload case (i.e. there are specific reports in GA for Cost Data). However, your question is still valid as to why there are 2 separate uploads, it doesn't look necessary but that's the way it is for now.

  2. Daily upload and Data Import work independently of each other. One is not going to affect the other. You should be using daily upload for cost data since it has a set schema and reports. Data import for other data sets where you define the schema.

  3. For Cost Data, if you delete the data then yes, your reports will not show any related cost data anymore (or you can just unlink the profile from the data set to accomplish the same result). For Dimension Widening, even if you delete the data set or unlink it, any data that was joined before the deletion or unlinking will stay as part of the reports, you can't remove it after the fact. This is because of differences between the two in how the data gets joined.

  4. As stated in #2, these are different mechanisms, so they don't share storage. Daily upload has limits that apply to the upload (e.g. 20 appends/day, max 5MB per append). The doc you linked to clearly states what these are for each. Just treat them separately unless it is stated otherwise.

(by xpepermintPete)


  1. Google Analytics: Difference between Data Import & Daily upload (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

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