YIi PHP - 帶有 foreach 循環的輸出數組 (YIi PHP - Output array with a foreach loop)


YIi PHP ‑ 帶有 foreach 循環的輸出數組 (YIi PHP ‑ Output array with a foreach loop)

我正在嘗試使用 Yii PHP 框架返回導航菜單,但我的控制器只輸出數組中的第一項,這是我的代碼。請注意,此模式沒有使用傳統的 MVC,我正在請求數據的模型正在站點範圍內顯示,而不是直接顯示到其控制器‑> 視圖。

模型 ‑ 獲取數據;

//output pages for getPagesMenuItems() in base controller
        public function getAllPages(){
            $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
            $criteria‑>condition = "visible = 1";
            return Pages::model()‑>findAll($criteria);


public $pagesMenuItems = array();
$this‑>pagesMenuItems = $this‑>getPagesMenuItems();

protected function getPagesMenuItems() {
        //Non admin users ‑ links to pages
        if (Yii::app()‑>user‑>isGuest){

            $rows = Pages::getAllPages();

            foreach($rows as $row) {
            return    array(
                    //$row‑>id , $row‑>title , $row‑>guid , $row‑>visible
                    array('label' => $row‑>title, 'icon' => 'fa fa‑times', 'url' => array('/admin/pages/view/id/' . $row‑>id)),

//            return array();
        else {}


$this‑>widget('booster.widgets.TbMenu', array(  
                'items' => $this‑>pagesMenuItems,
                'id' => 'pagesNav'





方法 1:

change getPagesMenuItems function as below:

protected function getPagesMenuItems() {
    //Non admin users ‑ links to pages
    $data = array();
    if (Yii::app()‑>user‑>isGuest){

        $rows = Pages::getAllPages();

        foreach($rows as $row) {
            $data[] = array('label' => $row‑>title, 'icon' => 'fa fa‑times', 'url' => array('/admin/pages/view/id/' . $row‑>id));

    else {}
    return $data;

(by grhmstwrtChetan Ameta)


  1. YIi PHP ‑ Output array with a foreach loop (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#controller #yii #foreach #PHP #arrays


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