沒有 iPhone,如何使用 XCode 截屏? (Without iPhone, how to take screenshot with XCode?)


沒有 iPhone,如何使用 XCode 截屏? (Without iPhone, how to take screenshot with XCode?)

I'm building iPhone / iPad app with Xcode. now i want to take screenshot of this application.

with 960x640 size.

so how to? the screen on simulator is too small 


方法 1:

You can use cmd+S into the simulator, it will capture the screen.

Image will be saved to the Desktop.

方法 2:

In the simulator navigate to 


Hardware>>Device>>iPhone (Retina)

Then you can use command-s to capture the simulators screen in retina, and the screenshot requirement is 640x960.

Keep in mind, the retina simulator screen may not fit vertically on your screen depending on its resolution.

(by TomSawyeroliripMick MacCallum)


  1. Without iPhone, how to take screenshot with XCode? (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

#screenshot #XCode


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