如何使用條件將一個數據框列的值與另一個數據框列的值匹配? (How do you match the value of one dataframe's column with another dataframe's column using conditionals?)


如何使用條件將一個數據框列的值與另一個數據框列的值匹配? (How do you match the value of one dataframe's column with another dataframe's column using conditionals?)


Row No.    Subject    
1      Apple
2      Banana
3      Orange
4      Lemon
5      Strawberry

row_number Subjects Special?
1    Banana      Yes
2    Lemon       No
3    Apple       No
4    Orange      No
5    Strawberry  Yes
6    Cranberry   Yes
7    Watermelon  No


Row No.    Subject   
3      Apple
1      Banana
4      Orange
2      Lemon
5      Strawberry


for index, row in df1.iterrows():
    if df1['Subject'] == df2['Subjects']:
        df1['Row No.'] = df2['row_number']


ValueError: Can only compare identically‑labeled Series objects



for x in df1['Subject']:
    if x in df2['Subjects'].values:
        df2.loc[df2['Subjects'] == x]['row_number'] = df1.loc[df1['Subject'] == x]['Row No.']

但它似乎並沒有像我想要的那樣修改第一個數據幀. 任何提示為什麼?此外,我收到此警告:

A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead


方法 1:

I would avoid using for loops especially when pandas has such great methods to handle these types of problems already.

Using pd.Series.replace

Here is a vectorized way of doing this ‑

  1. d is the dictionary that maps the fruit to the number in second dataframe
  2. You can use df.Subject.replace(d) to now simply replace the keys in the dict d to their values.
  3. Overwrite the Row No. column with this now.
d = dict(zip(df2['Subjects'], df2['row_number']))
df1['Row No.'] = df1.Subject.replace(d)
      Subject  Row No.
0       Apple        3
1      Banana        1
2      Orange        4
3       Lemon        2
4  Strawberry        5

Using pd.merge

Let's try simply merging the 2 dataframe and replace the column completely.

ddf = pd.merge(df1['Subject'], 

ddf.columns = df1.columns[::‑1]
      Subject  Row No.
0       Apple       3
1      Banana       1
2      Orange       4
3       Lemon       2
4  Strawberry       5

方法 2:

Assuming the first is df1 and the second is df2, this should do what you want it to:

import pandas as pd

d1 = {'Row No.': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'Subject': ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 
     'Lemon', 'Strawberry']}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=d1)

d2 = {'row_number': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 'Subjects': ['Banana', 'Lemon', 'Apple', 
'Orange', 'Strawberry', 'Cranberry', 'Watermelon'], 'Special?': ['Yes', 'No', 
     'No', 'No', 
     'Yes', 'Yes', 'No']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=d2)

for x in df1['Subject']:
    if x in df2['Subjects'].values:
        df1.loc[df1['Subject'] == x, 'Row No.'] = (df2.loc[df2['Subjects'] == x]['row_number']).item()


In your edited answer it looks like you had the dataframes swapped and you were missing the item() to get the actual row_number value and not the Series object.

(by ACanAkshay SehgalKel Varnsen)


  1. How do you match the value of one dataframe's column with another dataframe's column using conditionals? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#conditional-statements #Python #dataframe


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如何使用條件將一個數據框列的值與另一個數據框列的值匹配? (How do you match the value of one dataframe's column with another dataframe's column using conditionals?)

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