如何將 Active Choices 反應參數傳遞給 Scriptler (How to Pass Active Choices Reactive Parameters to Scriptler)
我使用了一個 ACP(通過從下拉列表中選擇一個值),該值應該傳遞給直接的 ACRP 腳本程序,但它沒有這樣做。
- 一個下拉列表‑‑‑>選擇一個值
- 將此選擇的值傳遞給立即ACRP中的scripler,以便它將在下拉列表中生成值並從中選擇一個
- 應該傳遞給另一個 ACRP 腳本...等等 3 次以上。
方法 1:
Currently I'm doing a flow like that
- ACP using scriptler (returning branches of a repo), you can also do it with a Choice parameter or with ACP using groovy script
- the important thing to have into account if you are using ACP with scriptler or groovy is that you should return an arrayList
- the parameters that you pass should be define in the parameter of the scriptler script
- ACRP using scriptler and referenced to the previous parameter (list the jenkinsfiles in a repo)
- the parameters that you pass should be define in the parameter of the scriptler script
- notice the Referenced Parameters (deployConfigGifRef)
(by Vam、Jheison Rodriguez)