嘗試使用 get-PnPFile 從 OneDrive 獲取文件的所有版本時找不到文件 (File not found trying to get all versions of a file from OneDrive using get-PnPFile)


嘗試使用 get‑PnPFile 從 OneDrive 獲取文件的所有版本時找不到文件 (File not found trying to get all versions of a file from OneDrive using get‑PnPFile)

我希望編寫一個 PowerShell 腳本以從單個 OneDrive 文件下載所有版本,但我無法獲取 Get‑PnPFile 接受的有效 URL。

$ctx= Get‑PnPContext
$item = Get‑PnPFile ‑Url [url] ‑AsListItem
$file = $item.file
$fileVersions = $file.Versions

foreach ($version in $fileVersions) {
       Get‑PnPFile ‑Url $version.Url ‑Path z:\tmp ‑FileName ($file.Name + " " + $version.VersionLabel + ".json") ‑AsFile

Powershell 文檔 建議您可以為 ‑Url 使用相對於站點的 URL,$version.Url 的格式為 _vti_history/2662400/Documents/[filename]

adding /personal/[email_address ]/... 無法為我解決“找不到文件”錯誤。


方法 1:

Get‑PnPFile is not able to download the file from _vti_history. You need to use the CSOM functionality $version.OpenBinaryStream().

For SharePoint Online I'm using following code:

Get‑PnPFile ‑Url $item.ServerRelativeUrl ‑Path $destinationFolderPath ‑AsFile ‑Force # Latest version
$ctx= Get‑PnPContext
foreach ($version in $item.Versions)
    $versionValue = $version.VersionLabel
    $str = $version.OpenBinaryStream()
    $filename =  (Split‑Path $item.ServerRelativeUrl ‑Leaf) + "." + $versionValue
    $filepath = Join‑Path $destinationFolderPath $filename
    $fs = New‑Object IO.FileStream $filepath ,'Append','Write','Read'
    $str.Value.CopyTo($fs) # Older version

(by digihumsteveAlyaKoni)


  1. File not found trying to get all versions of a file from OneDrive using get‑PnPFile (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#onedrive #powershell #Version


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