VBA:數據輸入組合框有效,但命令按鈕給出“無效的屬性值”錯誤 (VBA: Data entry into combobox works, but command button gives "Invalid property value" error)


VBA:數據輸入組合框有效,但命令按鈕給出“無效的屬性值”錯誤 (VBA: Data entry into combobox works, but command button gives "Invalid property value" error)

我有一個帶有 3 個組合框和一個命令按鈕的用戶窗體,單擊該按鈕時,會將輸入的值放入工作表中。我將所有 3 個的 MatchRequired 設置為 True,這樣就無法輸入其他值。

我的問題是我可以毫無問題地通過每個組合框,因為沒有任何不准確之處。但是,當我單擊命令按鈕時,會出現 Invalid Property Value 錯誤。此外 ‑ 即使出現錯誤,條目仍會添加到工作表中。什麼給出了?


Private Sub cmdAddClass_Click()

Dim RowCount As Long

RowCount = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
    .Offset(RowCount, 0).Value = Me.cboGrade.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 1).Value = Me.cboUnits.Value
    .Offset(RowCount, 2).Value = Me.cboQuarter.Value
End With

Me.cboGrade.Value = ""
Me.cboUnits.Value = ""
Me.cboQuarter.Value = ""

End Sub



方法 1:

You issue is:

Me.cboGrade.Value = ""

You are setting cboGrade to blank, which is not a value in the combobox list. Therefore when you set the focus to cboGrade, the MatchRequired setting rejects it and issues the Invalid Property Value message. Note that this is not actually a VBA error, it's a message from the form control.

Try removing Me.cboGrade.SetFocus

(by joelhufford94chris neilsen)


  1. VBA: Data entry into combobox works, but command button gives "Invalid property value" error (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Combobox #excel #vba


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VBA:數據輸入組合框有效,但命令按鈕給出“無效的屬性值”錯誤 (VBA: Data entry into combobox works, but command button gives "Invalid property value" error)

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