使用 GCP 令牌、terraform 和 vault 創建項目時出現權限錯誤 (Permisson error creating project with GCP token, terraform and vault)


使用 GCP 令牌、terraform 和 vault 創建項目時出現權限錯誤 (Permisson error creating project with GCP token, terraform and vault)

我想用 terraform 創建一個 GCP 項目,使用 vault 來獲取令牌。我已經配置了 GCP 機密引擎,我要求 terraform 中的 vault 獲取令牌;但是當我運行 terraform 來創建項目時,我收到一條錯誤消息:

Error 403: Service accounts cannot create projects without a parent., forbidden. If you received a 403 error, make sure you have the `roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator` permission
│   with module.gcp‑project.google_project.project,
│   on .terraform/modules/gcp‑project/main.tf line 6, in resource "google_project" "project":
│    6: resource "google_project" "project" {


我嘗試使用 resourcemanager.projectCreator 角色;但它總是問我項目名稱。




方法 1:

You must create a GCP Organization resource and ensure your Vault GCP roleset is created in a project that lives inside the org (e.g. an "admin" project).

When you create the project creator roleset using terraform you need to grant it a role that has resourcemanager.projects.create permission. You can create the binding against the whole org, or an individual folder within the org. For example:

resource "vault_gcp_secret_roleset" "default" {
  backend      = var.gcp_secret_backend
  roleset      = var.roleset_name
  project      = var.project
  secret_type  = var.secret_type
  token_scopes = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud‑platform"]

  binding {
    resource = "//cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/folders/${var.folder_id}"

    roles = [

(by EMGMorgan Peat)


  1. Permisson error creating project with GCP token, terraform and vault (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#terraform #vault #google-cloud-platform


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