在虛擬機中模擬 Windows 筆記本電腦? (Simulating windows laptop in virtual machine?)


在虛擬機中模擬 Windows 筆記本電腦? (Simulating windows laptop in virtual machine?)

I wonder if there is a way to simulate laptop in a virtual machine. Specifically, I would like to simulate the lid closing behavior. I checked virtual box and it doesn't seem to have this kind of feature.



方法 1:

You will have to write an application to do that.

The message you are interested in broadcasting is WM_POWERBROADCAST.

Take a look here if you also need to catch it.

(by Bear of the Yearkarlphillip)


  1. Simulating windows laptop in virtual machine? (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

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