通過 HTML 在 Mobile Safari 上實現 UIPickerview (Implement UIPickerview on Mobile Safari via HTML)


通過 HTML 在 Mobile Safari 上實現 UIPickerview (Implement UIPickerview on Mobile Safari via HTML)

Is there a way to create some effects similar to the UIPickerView on Iphone Mobile Safari via HTML/javascript/css? 


方法 1:

<select id="myPicker" name="myPicker">
    <option value="" default selected">Pick a value</option>
    <option value="pick1">Pick 1</option>
    <option value="pick1">Pick 2</option>

(by user769978Kaptain)


  1. Implement UIPickerview on Mobile Safari via HTML (CC BY-SA 3.0/4.0)

#safari #uipickerview #Mobile


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通過 HTML 在 Mobile Safari 上實現 UIPickerview (Implement UIPickerview on Mobile Safari via HTML)

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