Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile 沒有從 api 返回 (Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile not being returned from api)


Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile 沒有從 api 返回 (Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile not being returned from api)

所以我有一個 Rails 應用程序,我正在使用 這個用於 oauth2 的 gem。現在在linkedin的開發者控制台上,我只能選擇


所以我選擇了 r_basicprofile

現在一旦確定linkedin在推送用戶到http://localhost:3000/auth/linkedin/callback?error=unauthorized_scope_error&error_description=Scope+%26quot%3Br_liteprofile%26quot%3B+is +not+authorized+for+your+application&state=126bb5cb16613e67f77580954980f86e4a3080c7cb4e56fe

這顯然是在請求 r_liteprofile。現在由於 r_liteprofile 是不允許的,它會給出一個回調錯誤


<代碼>unauthorized_scope_error | 範圍“r_liteprofile” 沒有為您的應用程序授權

routes.rb 看起來像

get 'login‑linkedin', to: redirect('/auth/linkedin' )

get 'auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#identify_network_entry'

omniauth.rb 看起來像

提供者 :linkedin, 'KEY', 'VALUE

Linkedin 控制台中 Oauth2.0 的回調 url 看起來像




方法 1:

Today (jan 14th) linkedin transitioned their docs and allowed for all applications created after today to automatically be able to use r_liteprofile under the self serve section, but to use the r_basicprofile you'll have to apply to their partner program.

Connecting to the v1 API with r_basicprofile should work, but only until march 1st.

Perhaps your issue was happening because of the switch that took place.

Read more here:‑us/linkedin/consumer/integrations/self‑serve/migration‑faq?context=linkedin/consumer/context

All new applications created on the LinkedIn Developer Platform as of January 14, 2019 can use LinkedIn's v2 APIs.


What permissions do I have access to?

LinkedIn v1 APIs provided the following set of permissions:

r_basicprofile r_emailaddress w_share rw_company_admin

Moving forward, the available v2 APIs include:

r_liteprofile (replaces r_basicprofile) r_emailaddress w_member_social (replaces w_share)

and ...

Looking to maintain access to the Basic Profile fields? Learn more about applying to a LinkedIn Partner Program.

(by Himanshu Guptaamurrell)


  1. Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile not being returned from api (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#linkedin #omniauth-linkedin #linkedin-api #ruby-on-rails-5 #omniauth


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Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile 沒有從 api 返回 (Linkedin oauth2 r_liteprofile not being returned from api)

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