Qemu 在 Windows 上運行時無法加載 bios-256k.bin (Qemu can't load bios-256k.bin when running on Windows)


Qemu 在 Windows 上運行時無法加載 bios‑256k.bin (Qemu can't load bios‑256k.bin when running on Windows)

我試圖在 Windows 操作系統上測試 qemu,當我嘗試使用以下命令啟動 ubuntu iso 時:

qemu‑system‑x86_64.exe ‑boot d ‑cdrom .\ ubuntu‑20.04.1‑desktop‑amd64.iso ‑m 2048


qemu: could not load PC BIOS' bios‑256k.bin'

在Enviroment Varibles中設置了Qemu文件夾,並且bios‑256k.bin文件在文件夾中我該如何解決這個問題?


方法 1:

Add an option for bios file directory entry with ‑L switch. Your command should look like this:

qemu‑system‑x86_64.exe ‑boot d ‑cdrom .\ubuntu‑20.04.1‑desktop‑amd64.iso ‑m 2048 ‑L "C:\Program Files\qemu"

Of course in case your default qemu installation is in C:\Program Files\qemu and bios files are inside that directory. For some reason, qemu has a bug that doesn't search bios files in defined path and look for them in current working directory.

Edit: I found a bug report that mentions this issue. It also seems to be fixed in newest version. Anyway, here is the link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1915794

This is a known and documented problem with a simple workaround: "Known issue: currently requires start from installation directory or ‑L option to specify the location of the firmware files."

And it is already fixed in the newer installer.

(by EduMeloPolda18)


  1. Qemu can't load bios‑256k.bin when running on Windows (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#virtualization #virtual-machine #qemu #Windows


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