protogen - 支持 <Property> 指定的語法 (protogen - support the <Property>Specified syntax)


protogen ‑ 支持 指定的語法 (protogen ‑ support the Specified syntax)

幾年後,我已將我的 protogen.exe 版本升級到 3.0.101。

早期版本為每個可選成員生成一個布爾屬性 " ;Specified”。



public bool TurnScreenOnAndOff {get; set; }
public bool TurnScreenOnAndOffSpecified {get; set; }

使用 protogen 的更高版本,我得到以下成員:

public bool TurnScreenOnAndOff {get; set; }
public bool ShouldSerializeTurnScreenOnAndOff();

這破壞了我現有的大部分代碼。是否有命令行選項讓 protobuf 代碼生成器使用早期的約定?


方法 1:

Currently, no. However, it is probably no more than a few minutes to enable it; the relevant code is in WriteField(), noting that ctx.GetCustomOption(key) accesses additional key/value pairs passed to the generator. This is possibly more of a GitHub discussion, though.

(by Andrew ShepherdMarc Gravell)


  1. protogen ‑ support the Specified syntax (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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