discord.py - 猜謎遊戲無響應(更新) (discord.py - Guessing game no response (updated))


discord.py ‑ 猜謎遊戲無響應(更新) (discord.py ‑ Guessing game no response (updated))

以下代碼應該在我的 discord 服務器上鍵入 $play 時運行,但運行時沒有任何反應。..

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='$')

async def play(ctx):
  def check(m):
    return m.author == ctx.author and m.channel == ctx.message.channel and m.content.isdigit()

  number = random.randint(1,100)
  await ctx.send('I have a number in mind between 1 and 100, guess it')

  for i in range(0,5):
    guess = await client.wait_for("message", check=check)

    if int(guess.content) > number:
      await ctx.send("The number is greater")
    elif int(guess.content) < number:
      await ctx.send("The number is smaller")
    elif int(guess.content) == number:
      await ctx.send("You guessed the number!!.")
      return ("It has to be a positive integer between 1 to 100")
    await ctx.send("You lost, type $play to play again.")


方法 1:

It looks like your on_message event is blocking commands from working.

Add the following to your on_message event:

async def on_message(message):
  if message.author == client.user:
  # Your next events

    await client.process_commands(message) # Process commands
  • We added this because you have overwritten the normal on_message event.
  • process_commands makes sure that commands are recognized.

See the docs for more information.

(by ElmoDominik)


  1. discord.py ‑ Guessing game no response (updated) (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#discord #Python #discord.py


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discord.py - 猜謎遊戲無響應(更新) (discord.py - Guessing game no response (updated))

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