ssl - 錯誤自簽名證書獲取鏈 (ssl - Error self signed certificate getting chain)


ssl ‑ 錯誤自簽名證書獲取鏈 (ssl ‑ Error self signed certificate getting chain)

我正在學習使用 Gatling 來測試場景



openssl genrsa ‑out rootCA.key 2048
openssl req ‑x509 ‑new ‑nodes ‑key rootCA.key ‑days 1 ‑out rootCA.pem
openssl x509 ‑outform der ‑in rootCA.pem ‑out gatlingCA.crt
openssl genrsa ‑out device.key 2048
openssl req ‑new ‑key device.key ‑out device.csr
openssl x509 ‑req ‑in device.csr ‑CA rootCA.pem ‑CAkey rootCA.key ‑CAcreateserial ‑out device.crt ‑days 1
openssl pkcs12 ‑export ‑in device.crt ‑inkey device.key ‑out server.p12 ‑name gatling ‑CAfile rootCA.pem ‑caname gatling ‑chain
keytool ‑importkeystore ‑deststorepass gatling ‑destkeypass gatling ‑destkeystore gatling‑custom.jks  ‑srckeystore server.p12 ‑srcstoretype PKCS12 ‑srcstorepass gatling ‑alias gatling


openssl pkcs12 ‑export ‑in device.crt ‑inkey device.key ‑out server.p12 ‑name gatling ‑CAfile rootCA.pem ‑caname gatling ‑chain

終端提示錯誤:Error self signed certificate getting chain



方法 1:

The "Error self signed certificate getting chain." error can be caused by entering identical Distinguished Name data for both of the certificates. Enter different information and this should no longer error.

(by necrofaceKez Floyd)


  1. ssl ‑ Error self signed certificate getting chain (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Testing #certificate #SSL #scala #gatling


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