每當機器人啟動時,它就會開始向控制台發送垃圾郵件,沒有明顯的問題 (Whenever the bot starts up, it just starts spamming the console with no visible issue)


每當機器人啟動時,它就會開始向控制台發送垃圾郵件,沒有明顯的問題 (Whenever the bot starts up, it just starts spamming the console with no visible issue)



    client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log(`${client.user.username} is now online!`)
        client.user.setActivity("over the server", {
            type: "WATCHING"




方法 1:

I tried your code and it doesn't do anything particular in the console.
I think your issue come form your internet connection : if the bot keeps deconnecting and reconnecting due to your Internet, the client.on("ready", () => { will be executed multiple times.

if you still want to keep the console.log, you can try to fix it manually with an if statement :</p>

var firstTimeConnecting = 1
client.on("ready", () => {
    if (firstTimeConnecting = 1){
        console.log(`${client.user.username} is now online!`)
        firstTimeConnecting = 0
    client.user.setActivity("over the server", {
        type: "WATCHING"


(by PackOf20Nathn)


  1. Whenever the bot starts up, it just starts spamming the console with no visible issue (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#discord #javascript #discord.js


如何讓不和諧的機器人提及用戶? (How to make a discord bot mention a user?)

如何計算表情符號並在不和諧的機器人反應中顯示它們? (How to count the emojis and display them in a discord bot reaction?)

每當機器人啟動時,它就會開始向控制台發送垃圾郵件,沒有明顯的問題 (Whenever the bot starts up, it just starts spamming the console with no visible issue)

Discord.js ReferenceError:嵌入未定義 (Discord.js ReferenceError: embed is not defined)

在 Discord.js 中查找所有具有角色的成員 (Finding all members with a role in Discord.js)

啟動兩個 CPU 阻塞偵聽器並等待其中一個完成 (Starting two cpu blocking listeners and wait until one of them finishes)

discord.py - 猜謎遊戲無響應(更新) (discord.py - Guessing game no response (updated))

\n 換行符不保留代碼塊文本樣式 (\n Line break does not preserve code block text style)

如何在對不同消息做出反應時讓不和諧機器人刪除以前的角色? (How to make discord bot remove the previous role when reacting to a different message?)

一段代碼阻礙了我在學校的 Discord 機器人 (One piece of code hindering my Discord bot for School)

如何使不和諧機器人隨機跳過響應 (How to make discord bot randomly skip a response)

我應該放什麼行,這樣當我寫東西時,Discord 機器人會以我想要的方式響應(discord.py)? (What lines should I put so that when I write something the Discord bot responds in a way that I want (discord.py)?)
