獲取子字符串周圍的字符數半徑 (Get set number radius of characters around substring)


獲取子字符串周圍的字符數半徑 (Get set number radius of characters around substring)

在 Python 中,如何在子字符串周圍獲得一定數量的字符?


string='Mad Max: Fury Road'

假設我想添加四個字符從 'ax: Fur' 兩邊,進入輸出,所以它會是 'ad Max: Fury Ro'

如果要查找的子字符串是 string 中的 'Fury Road',那麼輸出將是 'ax: Fury Road',它會忽略它右側沒有可添加的內容。


方法 1:

str.partition comes in really handy here:

def get_sub(string, sub, length):
    before, search, after = string.partition(sub)
    if not search:
        raise ValueError("substring not found")
    return before[‑length:] + sub + after[:length]

You could also just return before in the if statement instead of raising a ValueError. That would return the string unchanged. Usage:

print(get_sub("Mad Max: Fury Road", "Fury Road", 4))
#ax: Fury Road
print(get_sub("Mad Max: Fury Road", "Fu", 4))
#ax: Fury R

方法 2:

you could also get the string before and after the substring with .split() then return parts of both:

def get_sub_and_surrounding(string,sub,length):
    before,after = string.split(sub,1) #limit to only one split
    return before[‑length:] + sub + after[:length]

it is worth noting that in this case if sub is not actually a substring then the first line will raise a ValueError

but you can get the exact indexes for splitting it up like this:

def get_sub_and_surrounding(string,sub,length):
    i_start = string.index(sub) #index of the start of the substring
    i_end = i_start + len(sub) #index of the end of the substring (one after)

    my_start = max(0, i_start ‑length)
    # ^prevents use of negative indices from counting
    # from the end of the string by accident

    my_end = min(len(string), i_end+length) #this part isn't actually necessary, "a"[:100] just goes to the end of the string

    return string[my_start : my_end]

In this case string.index(sub) will raise a ValueError if sub is not in string.

(by Shane SmiskolzondoTadhg McDonald‑Jensen)


  1. Get set number radius of characters around substring (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#Python #find #substring


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