wso2-esb 集群後,每個 carbon 控制台(管理和工作人員)都不工作 (wso2-esb After clustering, every carbon console(management and worker) doesn't work)


wso2‑esb 集群後,每個 carbon 控制台(管理和工作人員)都不工作 (wso2‑esb After clustering, every carbon console(management and worker) doesn't work)

我使用 鏈接 創建了具有一個管理節點和工作節點的 ESB 集群節點(在一台服務器中)和一個工作節點在另一台服務器中。我在參考文獻中做了同樣的事情。它顯示“會員加入”消息。但我無法使用 在我的網絡瀏覽器中加載碳控制台:9443/碳。我正在使用 NginX 負載均衡器。而且我對 4500 端口如何與 NginX 負載均衡器相關感到困惑。


方法 1:

What do you mean by doesn't work. Any logs.

TCP ports such as 4500 mentioned the documentation is nothing to do with load balancing stuff. Those ports are used to communicate between the clustering nodes.

ELB is a WSO2 product, so as for the documentation when we configure the worker node we configure the ELB also as a cluster node in the cluster.

If you are using the Nginx as a load balancer this documentation will give you the better understanding.

(by Lakmal VithanageSajith Abeywardhana)


  1. wso2‑esb After clustering, every carbon console(management and worker) doesn't work (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#wso2-esb #cluster-computing #nginx #wso2


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