Team Foundation Server 2015 到 2018 升級錯誤(步驟 909) (Team Foundation Server 2015 to 2018 Upgrade Error (Step 909))


Team Foundation Server 2015 到 2018 升級錯誤(步驟 909) (Team Foundation Server 2015 to 2018 Upgrade Error (Step 909))

嘗試將我們的本地服務器從 2015 年升級到 2018 年。由於某種原因,我在錯誤日誌中收到此消息:

Team Foundation Server 無法連接到數據庫。驗證實例是否正確指定,託管數據庫的服務器是否正常運行,以及網絡問題是否不會阻止與服務器的通信。

為什麼這只會發生在步驟 909 ? 以前的步驟已經在操作數據庫,所以如果訪問是問題,為什麼它只會在這個特定步驟上出錯?


我打開 Windows 事件查看器並在此事件中遇到多個錯誤:


方法 1:

For anyone having the same issue. Base on the Windows Event error I considered maybe the RAM was the problem. Checked and the server only had 2 GIG RAM.

Pretty weird since TFS alone was saying it was a database server issue. Anyway, upgrading the ram to 4 GIG solved the issue.

Hopefully this can help someone having the same issue.

(by TheProvostTheProvost)


  1. Team Foundation Server 2015 to 2018 Upgrade Error (Step 909) (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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