逐行讀取文件並基於它將換行符寫入同一文件 - nodejs (Reading a file line by line and based on it write newlines to same file - nodejs)


逐行讀取文件並基於它將換行符寫入同一文件 ‑ nodejs (Reading a file line by line and based on it write newlines to same file ‑ nodejs)



方法 1:

function (file, callback) {
fs.readFile(file, (err, 'utf8', data) => {
if (err) return callback(err);

    var lines = data.split('\n');

    fs.open(file, 'w', (err, fd) => {
        if (err) return callback(err)

        lines.forEach(line => {
            if (line === 'meet your condition') {
                // do your write using fs.write(fd, )


方法 2:

use node fs module with the help of fs you can perform operation asynchronously as well as synchronously. below is as an example of asynchronously

function readWriteData(savPath, srcPath) {
    fs.readFile(srcPath, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
            if (err) throw err;
            //Do your processing, MD5, send a satellite to the moon or can add conditions , etc.
            fs.writeFile (savPath, data, function(err) {
                if (err) throw err;

Synchronously example

function readFileContent(srcPath, callback) { 
    fs.readFile(srcPath, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
        if (err) throw err;

function writeFileContent(savPath, srcPath) { 
    readFileContent(srcPath, function(data) {
        fs.writeFile (savPath, data, function(err) {
            if (err) throw err;

(by ShyamSundar RSimonmohan rathour)


  1. Reading a file line by line and based on it write newlines to same file ‑ nodejs (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#file-handling #file-io #node.js


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