如何正確附加到在功能組件中作為道具傳遞的字符串數組 (How to properly append to string array that was passed as props in functional component)


如何正確附加到在功能組件中作為道具傳遞的字符串數組 (How to properly append to string array that was passed as props in functional component)

我有一個父組件,它定義了一個字符串數組的 useState 鉤子。然後我有一個需要更新字符串數組的子組件,所以我同時傳遞了字符串數組和 useState 的函數來更新它。但是,當我嘗試引用 props 數組時,解釋器會抱怨(參見代碼/註釋):


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { ChildComponent } from './ChildComponent';

export function ParentComponent() {
    const [log, setLog] = useState<string[]>([]);

        <ChildComponent log={log} setLog={setLog} />


import React, { useEffect } from 'react';

interface Props {
    log: string[],
    setLog: Function

export function ChildComponent(props: Props) {

    useEffect(() => {

        /* I typically use this pattern to append to an array in a useState hook:

        setArray(array => [...array, "String to append"]);

        so I try to use this with the props as well: */

        props.setLog(props.log => [...props.log, "Loaded child component."]); // Interpreter complains at arrow: ',' expected. ts(1005)

    return (
            {props.log.map(logItem => <p key={logItem}>{logItem}</p>)}



方法 1:

setLog: Function is not precise enough. You need:

interface Props {
    log: string[],
    setLog: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<Array<string>>>

And this

props.setLog(props.log => [...props.log, "Loaded child component."]);

should be

props.setLog(previousLog => [...previousLog, "Loaded child component."]);

Or, in this case, it looks like it'll always have the current value of the log in the prop‑closure when this line runs, so it can be simplified to

props.setLog([...props.log, "Loaded child component."]);

(by Brian ReadingCertainPerformance)


  1. How to properly append to string array that was passed as props in functional component (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#use-state #react-hooks #TypeScript #reactjs


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