僅在 ng‑repeat 中將 ng‑if 應用於所選項目 (Apply ng‑if in ng‑repeat only to selected item)
我正在開發一個使用 Ionic 框架的跨瀏覽器應用程序。我設置了主從模式頁面。我的詳細信息頁面上有三個項目。當我刪除其中一項時,我想使用 ng‑if 指令從 DOM 中刪除一個 message‑div,但前提是用戶單擊了 ionicPopup 確認屏幕中的“是”按鈕。目前我可以更改所有三個項目,但我很難弄清楚如何僅將更改附加到所選項目。代碼如下:
<ion‑view title="Events" cache‑view="false">
<ion‑content has‑header="true" padding="false">
<div class="list card" ng‑repeat="details in tag.Activity track by $index">
<div ng‑if="!deletedItem">
This item will be deleted.
<div class="item item‑divider item‑stable" ng‑click="toggleGroup(details)" ng‑class="{ active: isGroupShow(details) }">
<i class="icon" ng‑class="isGroupShown(details) ? 'ion‑arrow‑down‑b' : 'ion‑arrow‑right‑b'"></i>
{{ details.ActivityName }}
<div class="item‑body item‑accordion" ng‑show="isGroupShown(details)">
<label class="item">
<span class="input‑label item‑stacked‑label">Hours</span>
<input type="hours" value="{{ details.Hours}}">
<div class="item tabs tabs‑secondary tabs‑icon‑left">
<a class="tab‑item" ng‑click="deleteHours($index, details.RecordID)">
<i class="icon ion‑close‑circled"></i>
Delete Hours
$scope.deleteHours = function(column,id){
title: "<b>Delete Hours</b>",
template: "Are you sure you want to delete these hours?",
buttons: [
{ text: 'Cancel', onTap: function(e) { return true; } },
text: "<b>I'm sure</b>",
type: 'button‑positive',
onTap: function(e) {
$scope.deletedItem = true;
console.log("Column: " + column);
目前,列號打印正確。正在傳遞值。我只是無法弄清楚將列號正確附加到 ng‑if 的語法。任何幫助將不勝感激。
方法 1:
You are passing the column into the deleteHours
function, why not just attach a pendingDeletion
property to the detail?
<ion‑view title="Events" cache‑view="false">
<ion‑content has‑header="true" padding="false">
<div class="list card" ng‑repeat="details in tag.Activity track by $index">
<div ng‑if="details.pendingDeletion">
This item will be deleted.
<div class="item item‑divider item‑stable" ng‑click="toggleGroup(details)" ng‑class="{ active: isGroupShow(details) }">
<i class="icon" ng‑class="isGroupShown(details) ? 'ion‑arrow‑down‑b' : 'ion‑arrow‑right‑b'"></i>
{{ details.ActivityName }}
<div class="item‑body item‑accordion" ng‑show="isGroupShown(details)">
<label class="item">
<span class="input‑label item‑stacked‑label">Hours</span>
<input type="hours" value="{{ details.Hours}}">
<div class="item tabs tabs‑secondary tabs‑icon‑left">
<a class="tab‑item" ng‑click="deleteHours($index, details)">
<i class="icon ion‑close‑circled"></i>
Delete Hours
$scope.deleteHours = function(column,detail){
//pass detail, not record id. you can change this if you want to do information hiding.
title: "<b>Delete Hours</b>",
template: "Are you sure you want to delete these hours?",
buttons: [
{ text: 'Cancel', onTap: function(e) { return true; } },
text: "<b>I'm sure</b>",
type: 'button‑positive',
onTap: function(e) {
detail.pendingDeletion = true; //attach to detail
console.log("Column: " + column);
(by L. Dragoon、maschwenk)