您使用項目日記或經驗數據庫嗎? (Do you use a project diary or experience database?)


您使用項目日記或經驗數據庫嗎? (Do you use a project diary or experience database?)




方法 1:

I've been keeping a technical diary in the form of an intranet blog for some time now and it's been working quite well for me. It allows me to record my daily activities, interesting links and project experiences.

What I find useful is that the blog engine makes it easy to search by tag, category, date, or keyword ‑ so even if you have multiple projects on the go you can tag/catergorize them as you like. Also by making the blog available to your co‑workers they can gain the benefit of your notes as well, and even add comments/further suggestions.

There are plenty of blog engines out there which are free/open source and extremely easy to setup (i use BlogEngine.Net along with Windows Live Writer)

If you are not keen on the idea of other people seeing the blog then I recommend using Evernote which is an awesome note keeping utility.

I guess the key thing is that you have to make it as easy as possible to use, otherwise you won't do it for very long :)

方法 2:

If you only want to keep a diary, any blog system will please you. If like us you would like to do "pre‑mortem" and frequent "post‑mortem" this is a lot different.

In our case we use the already existing wiki and made a special section for this. We have different pages for different projects and split the pages with the recuring items. Anyone can edit it and add items, and we have an history just in case. At the end of each important milestone, each team meet to discuss, the list is completed with any missing items. Once this is done, the production team compile the result into something nice to read for posterity.

方法 3:

What's wrong with pen and paper? I use plain A4 hardback notebooks to maintain logs. Seems to work OK.

方法 4:

I'm using leo and its cleo plugin for this.

方法 5:

i installed trac for me :) Tickets are my todos, the wiki is for special occurences and experiences in projects..

(by Mork0075brodieMissTanonAnonymousGomez)


  1. Do you use a project diary or experience database? (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)



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