Xcode 7.3、Swift 2.2 故事板極慢 (Xcode 7.3, Swift 2.2 Storyboards Extremely Slow)


Xcode 7.3、Swift 2.2 故事板極慢 (Xcode 7.3, Swift 2.2 Storyboards Extremely Slow)

我正在開發一個巨大的應用程序,並且自從更新到 Xcode 7.3 後,在 Storyboard 中做任何事情都像糖蜜一樣!!

大約一個月前,我使用一個 HUGE Storyboard 的速度大致相同,所以我把項目分成 5 個獨立的故事板,哈利路亞,快了一百倍!但是現在,更新後,竟然分到了7;盡可能慢!我將要備份,然後嘗試重新創建一個大的,然後再次備份,然後再次分割 ‑ 看看是否有任何作用;但我很懷疑。



方法 1:

Well, not a great solution but, all I can determine is that; if the number of items and constraints in the view gets over a certain amount (using Xcode 7.3), the speed suddenly drops horribly. So what I ended up having to do with this last storyboard (8 of 8) is to take a slide out side pane full of buttons and subviews, and place it in a container view ‑ so that I could give it its own VC and thereby make it a stand alone 9th storyboard.

Not a great solution that's for sure, especially since I had to tie all of the buttons and methods to the parent view controller. I was lucky in this event in that the parent view (my main app map) is a single instance occurrence so I was able to reference it at launch, and merely prefix my former methods with the reference. If this was not so, I guess I would have to have done some serious protocol / delegation.

So, a proper solution (or 'fix' if it is Xcode's doing) is still wanting :)

(by AroniousnessAroniousness)


  1. Xcode 7.3, Swift 2.2 Storyboards Extremely Slow (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#performance #xcode7.3 #storyboard #XCode #swift2.2


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