C ++中復合語句和塊之間的區別? (Difference between a compound statement and a block in C++?)


C ++中復合語句和塊之間的區別? (Difference between a compound statement and a block in C++?)

我經常聽說“複合語句”這個詞幾乎可以互換地用於表示塊,以 {} 的大括號開始和結束。我看不出一個塊有什麼不同。


  • “塊”和“複合語句”之間有區別嗎?


方法 1:

To cite the actual C++ standard, ISO/IEC 14882:2017 (C++17), Section 9.3 "Compound statement or block":

9.3 Compound statement or block [stmt.block]

1 So that several statements can be used where one is expected, the compound statement (also, and equivalently, called “block”) is provided.

compound‑statement: { statement‑seqopt }

there is no difference between the terms of a block and a compound statement in their respective meaning.

You can use both terms interchangeably for a "compound" or sequence of statements (it may even be only one statement; the amount of statements doesn´t matter) starting by a "{" ‑ opened curly bracket and terminating by a "}" ‑ closed curly bracket.

方法 2:

A "block" of code, delimited by { } to indicate entry‑exit points, limits the liftetime of any variables defined inside the block to that block, wheras a "compound statement" might not unless it uses { } inside it. A function definition may be construed as a "named block" of code with an entry and exit points.

(by RobertS supports Monica CellioRobertS supports Monica Celliosrinivirt)


  1. Difference between a compound statement and a block in C++? (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#terminology #scope #C++ #statements


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