英特爾虛擬化問題 (Android Studio) (Intel Virtualization Problems (Android Studio))


英特爾虛擬化問題 (Android Studio) (Intel Virtualization Problems (Android Studio))

所以,我正在嘗試使用 Android Device Emulator (AVD),但它有一個典型的錯誤:“未安裝 hax 內核模塊”。但是,我重裝了數十次 Intel HAXM 1.1.5。我在 BIOS 中啟用了該選項,並且可以在 Oracle VM VirtualBox 中使用虛擬化。我什至下載了一個程序來測試我的 PC 是否支持虛擬化,然後訪問 Intel 網頁查看我的處理器是否能夠做到這一點。可以。

我不知道為什麼這會給我帶來這樣的問題。我嘗試了很多視頻並再次搜索和搜索,但似乎沒有人遇到與我相同的問題。但是,我注意到當我嘗試運行“sc query intelhaxm”時,它總是說它沒有安裝(錯誤代碼 1060)。我總是在安裝 HAXM 後重置我的電腦。


方法 1:

Have you used the command lines bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off bcdedit /set nx AlwaysOn Turned off avast if you have it Downloaded the HAXM from Intel and not thru AVD https://software.intel.com/en‑us/android/articles/intel‑hardware‑accelerated‑execution‑manager‑end‑user‑license‑agreement

方法 2:

So, I kinda found a solution that lets me use the service intelhaxm. I just can't find a place where someone did what I did. Anyway, I'm going to post my solution, for other persons with the same problem as me don't get the trouble I had. So:

Before I say anything, I'm using Windows 7 and I'm portuguese, so I'm guessing the name of the directory's/options:

  • Install the Intel HAXM normally and then restart your computer.
  • After that, browse to the Intel HAXM folder ("C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Intel\HAXM").
  • Right click in the window while holding Shift. Click on "Open command prompt here".
  • Write "PnPUtil.exe ‑i ‑a intelhaxm.inf". If it asks you to accept it, click OK.
  • After that, right click in the intelhaxm.inf file and select Install.
  • At this point, if you type "sc query intelhaxm" in the command prompt, it should show info about the service. However, it doesn't have a certificate, and you can't still use it.
  • Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider here.
  • Open it, select "Enable Test Mode" and press Next. After it's done, restart your computer.
  • If you did everything correct, there should be a watermark at the desktop saying something like "Test Mode". Open the same program again, but now select "Sign a System File".
  • In the text field, paste the complete path to the intelhaxm.sys. Something like this: "C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Intel\HAXM\intelhaxm.sys".
  • After that, open the command prompt again the same way you did above.
  • Type "sc delete intelhaxm" and then install the .inf file the same way you did.
  • Now, try to type "sc start intelhaxm". It takes more time than usual, but now it should be running.

This is what I did to get it working. However, it only works while Windows is in Test Mode. If you want to get rid of the watermark, launch the same program again and choose "Remove Watermark".

If after you turn off the computer and go back later you can't launch your AVD, type "sc start intelhaxm" in the search bar of the Start Menu.

(by Ric SubtilcodecatsRic Subtil)


  1. Intel Virtualization Problems (Android Studio) (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#virtualization #intel #Android #cpu


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