檢測位於另一個 uicollectionview 內的 uicollectionView 的哪個 UICollectionViewCell 在中心 (Detect which UICollectionViewCell of a uicollectionView that is inside another uicollectionview is in the center)


檢測位於另一個 uicollectionview 內的 uicollectionView 的哪個 UICollectionViewCell 在中心 (Detect which UICollectionViewCell of a uicollectionView that is inside another uicollectionview is in the center)

所以我有一個水平 UICollectionView 圖像,它位於垂直 UICollectionView 內,當我從垂直單元格中選擇一個單元格時,我想檢測哪個單元格位於水平 UICollectionView 的中心,我試圖發送通知並調用完成這項工作的函數,但由於它重複使用同一個單元格而被多次調用,所以最後我沒有得到適當的 indexPath。

而且當我點擊圖像時,“didSelectItemAt” 水平collectionView被調用,有沒有辦法讓垂直collectionView被調用?謝謝


方法 1:

Your best bet would be delegates via protocols

Create protocol for your collection view cells

protocol yourDelegate: class {

    func didSelectCell(WithIndecPath indexPath: IndexPath, InCollectionView collectionView: UICollectionView) ‑> Void


In your cells, create a function called setup which you can call at cellForRow. In your cells, create a touch recogniser for self. Disable cell selection for your collection views since these delegates will be called when the user touches given cell.

class yourCell: UICollectionViewCell  {

    var indexPath: IndexPath? = nil
    var collectionView: UICollectionView? = nil

    weak var delegate: yourDelegate? = nil

    override func awakeFromNib() {

        let selfTGR = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.didTouchSelf))

    @objc func didTouchSelf() {
        guard let collectionView = self.collectionView, let indexPath = self.indexPath else {

        delegate?.didSelectCell(WithIndecPath: indexPath, InCollectionView: collectionView)

    func setupCell(WithIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath, CollectionView collectionView: UICollectionView, Delegate delegate: yourDelegate) {
        self.indexPath = indexPath
        self.collectionView = collectionView
        self.delegate = delegate


In your viewController, create extension for this protocol and if you do everything right, when the user touches your cell, the cell will call you via this delegation.

extension YourViewController: yourDelegate {

    func didSelectCell(WithIndecPath indexPath: IndexPath, InCollectionView collectionView: UICollectionView) {
        //You have your index path and you can "if" your colllection view

        if collectionView == self.yourFirstCollectionView {

        } else if collectionView == self.yourSecondCollectionView {

        //and so on..


since protocol is ": class", we can use weak for your delegate property so no memory leak will occur. I use this method for tableViews and collectionViews throughout my projects.

(by Vince MohamedTomo Norbert)


  1. Detect which UICollectionViewCell of a uicollectionView that is inside another uicollectionview is in the center (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#uicollectionviewcell #iOS #XCode #swift #uicollectionview


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