在centos 404錯誤中安裝Lighttpd (install of Lighttpd in centos 404 error)


在centos 404錯誤中安裝Lighttpd (install of Lighttpd in centos 404 error)

我已經在 centos 中安裝了 Lighttpd。全新安裝,服務器來自數字海洋。對於安裝,我從 howtoforge 獲取了指南。這是在本網站的一篇文章中提出的。

現在的問題是我不斷收到 404 not found 錯誤。我什至沒有改變任何東西,所以它應該顯示默認的歡迎頁面?但仍然沒有。根據指南,我在 conf.file 中禁用了 ipv6。




方法 1:

A couple of things to check.

  1. Inside of your lighttpd.conf make sure server.document‑root is set to the location of your web root.

  2. Make sure index‑file.names is set something like ( "index.php", "index.html", "index.lighttpd.html" ) is good.

  3. Create an index.html inside of your webroot and see if it loads in a browser.

方法 2:

Go to

sudo nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

And uncomment:

server.max‑fds = 2048

Restart the service ‑ a way could be service lighttpd restart

方法 3:

The default root location from where the server stats is:

var.server_root = "/var/www"
server.document‑root = server_root + "/htdocs"

So you must put your index.html in /var/log/www/htdocs directory

(by nirajKineticttavittavi)


  1. install of Lighttpd in centos 404 error (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)



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在centos 404錯誤中安裝Lighttpd (install of Lighttpd in centos 404 error)

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