C++返回一個帶有私有構造函數的類實例 (C++ return a class instance with private constructor)


C++返回一個帶有私有構造函數的類實例 (C++ return a class instance with private constructor)


error C2248: 'std::basic_ios<_Elem,_Traits>::basic_ios' :
          cannot access private member declared in class '


class XMLClass {

    bool isGood();
    std::vector<std::string> xmlRowList;
    std::fstream xmlFS;
    XMLClass(std::string newList);


    XMLClass(char *filename,std::string root);
    std::string getAttribute(char *att);
    std::string getText(void);
    XMLClass getChildNode(std::string childNode);


XMLClass XMLClass::getChildNode(std::string Node)
    XMLClass newXML(Node);
    return newXML;

## 參考解法 #### 方法 1:

The problem is fstream class member ‑ streams are non‑copyable and as a consequence, so is your class.

To return an object from function by value, you need a copy constructor. But you don't have one because default generated one would be ill‑formed.

If you've got C++11 support, you can implement move constructor for your class. If not, you'll need to store a pointer to the stream.

方法 2:

Someone will probably write a more detailed answer, but I Think problem is This:

std::fstream xmlFS;

You can't copy it, which is needed for this return by value:

return newXML;

Solution should be to write copy constructor and assignment operator for your class, which handle this member variable correctly.

Check out C++ Rule of Three while you are at it.

(by Eddy Haselhoffjrokhyde)


  1. C++ return a class instance with private constructor (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#return #C++


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