Tictactoe 遊戲意外結束輸入期待 IF MySQL (Tictactoe game Unexpected end of input expecting IF MySQL)


Tictactoe 遊戲意外結束輸入期待 IF MySQL (Tictactoe game Unexpected end of input expecting IF MySQL)

我正在為井字遊戲創建一個觸發器,用於檢查玩家或計算機是否獲勝。我相信我的編碼是正確的,但最後它說“語法錯誤,意外的 end_of_input,期待 IF”我的分隔符編碼正確,但這似乎是問題所在。這是代碼:

 delimiter //
create trigger check_winner
after update on grid
for each row

declare message varchar(100);

select A into @A1 from grid where ttt = 1;
select A into @A2 from grid where ttt = 2;
select A into @A3 from grid where ttt = 3;
select B into @B1 from grid where ttt = 1;
select B into @B2 from grid where ttt = 2;
select B into @B3 from grid where ttt = 3;
select C into @C1 from grid where ttt = 1;
select C into @C2 from grid where ttt = 2;
select C into @C3 from grid where ttt = 3;

‑‑ Horizontal wins
    if @A1 = @B1 and @B1 = @C1 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @A1, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

   else if @A2 = @B2 and @B2 = @C2 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @A2, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

   else if @A3 = @B3 and @B3 = @C3 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @A3, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

‑‑ Vertical wins
    else if @A1 = @A2 and @A2 = @A3 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @A1, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

    else if @B1 = @B2 and @B2 = @B3 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @B1, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

    else if @C1 = @C2 and @C2 = @C3 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @C1, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

‑‑ Diagonal wins
    else if @A1 = @B2 and @B2 = @C3 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @A1, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

    else if @A3 = @B2 and @B2 = @C1 then     
        set message = concat('Player ', @A3, ' is victorious!');
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

‑‑ Game continues
        set message = 'Game is still ongoing';
        signal sqlstate '42000'
        set message_text = message;

end if;

end// ‑‑ error is right here



方法 1:

Change your

else if 



i.e. remove the space between the else and if.

(by RyuKaze78Kabir)


  1. Tictactoe game Unexpected end of input expecting IF MySQL (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

#tic-tac-toe #MySQL #Triggers #syntax


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