單擊一個發布 (Click one Release)


單擊一個發布 (Click one Release)

我有一個 VB .Net windows 應用程序,如果單擊 url,它會成功啟動。沒有任何問題。






方法 1:

Publish it in a location you need to be authenticated to see like a network share

Or do you mean something else?

方法 2:

Like to said, put it in a location that requires authentication. I was thinking a website. If no membership, maybe make them fill out the registration form before getting the link to download. You can log their IP address, but you can't get anymore info without them giving it to you.

Otherwise, you can create a registration feature in your application. Maybe require registation after 30 days ( or right away). Create a form the user must fill out ‑ when they register, have it send a web service call and store the registration info.

(by vaduganathanTom Vervoorttpow)


  1. Click one Release (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)



ClickOnce 發布 (ClickOnce publishing)

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單擊一個發布 (Click one Release)

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