TicTacToe Python 檢查獲勝者 (TicTacToe Python Check for Winner)


TicTacToe Python 檢查獲勝者 (TicTacToe Python Check for Winner)

我是編程新手,在 TicTacToe 遊戲中檢查獲勝者時遇到問題。

我的問題是 def printBoard(board):,它沒有正確檢查為獲勝者,即使有人獲勝,遊戲也會繼續運行。



#ticTacTorRunner file

import ticTacToe

theBoard = {'top‑L': ' ', 'top‑M': ' ', 'top‑R': ' ',
'mid‑L': ' ', 'mid‑M': ' ', 'mid‑R': ' ',
'low‑L': ' ', 'low‑M': ' ', 'low‑R': ' '}

ticTacToe.startGame('X', theBoard)

#ticTacToe file

def printBoard(board):

     print(board['top‑L'] + '|' + board['top‑M'] + '|' + board['top‑R'])
     print(board['mid‑L'] + '|' + board['mid‑M'] + '|' + board['mid‑R'])
print(board['low‑L'] + '|' + board['low‑M'] + '|' + board['low‑R'])


def checkWinner(board, player): 
 print('Checking if ' + player + ' is a winner...')


if 'top‑L' == 'X' and 'top‑M' == 'X' and 'top‑R' == 'X':
    return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': ' ', 'top‑M': ' ', 'top‑R': ' ',
            'mid‑L': 'X', 'mid‑M': 'X', 'mid‑R': 'X',
            'low‑L': 'O', 'low‑M': 'O', 'low‑R': ' '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X', 'low‑M': 'X', 'low‑R': 'X'}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'X',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X'}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'XX|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X'}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True


     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'O', 'top‑M': 'O', 'top‑R': 'O',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'XX|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'O', 'mid‑M': 'O', 'mid‑R': 'O',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'O', 'low‑M': 'O', 'low‑R': 'O'}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'O', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'O', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'O', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'O', 'top‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'O', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'O', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'O',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑R': 'O',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'O'}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'O', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'XX|O| ',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'O', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'X|O| ', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'O'}""":
         return True

     elif board == """{'top‑L': 'X|O| ', 'top‑M': 'X|O| ', 'top‑R': 'O',
            'mid‑L': 'X|O| ', 'mid‑M': 'O', 'mid‑R': 'X|O| ',
            'low‑L': 'O', 'low‑M': 'X|O| ', 'low‑R': 'X|O| '}""":
         return True

         return False


def startGame(startingPlayer, board):

     turn = startingPlayer
     for i in range(9):
         print('Turn for ' + turn + '. Move on which space?')
         move = input()
         board[move] = turn

         if ( checkWinner(board, 'X') ):
             print('X wins!')
         elif ( checkWinner(board, 'O') ):
             print('O wins!')

         if turn == 'X':
             turn = 'O'
             turn = 'X'

     print (board)


方法 1:

You're comparing the board, which is a python dict, against a string representation of a dict, which will never pass. Remove the triple‑quotes from around your if conditions and it may work.

I will add that you've picked a horrendous way to represent a tic‑tac‑toe board; I'd suggest using a list‑of‑lists instead, which is a lot more compact, lets you access board positions as board[0][0] to board[2][2] instead, and check your conditions using loops instead of listing out each one separately.

(by yoshi2132tzaman)


  1. TicTacToe Python Check for Winner (CC BY‑SA 2.5/3.0/4.0)

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